Thursday, September 22, 2011

2011 National Gathering

The national gathering is coming up soon, and registration forms are now available. Click the image below to download.
Also check out the national blog for ongoing updates in the lead-up to the gathering.
I am sorry to miss out this year, as there are some events in my home 'parish' that I need to stay here for. I will be thinking of you all as you gather, and the team from Victoria who are hosting the gathering this year. May God bless you richly.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

workshop with Payneham Road Uniting

Last month, I led a workshop on Biblical storytelling with the folk from Payneham Road Uniting Church. They're a passionate bunch, passionate about the Story of God and about sharing it faithfully with their community.
I learnt something new that day - that the reading of the Bible is often the part of gathered worship that worshippers least appreciate. We spent a bit of time wondering why that is, and came up with the same conclusion that the participants at Grow and Go did earlier in the month - that worship, whatever part of it, is not helpful when it does not engage, when it is boring.
Enter Biblical storytelling - and, to be honest, you don't even have to memorise the text, simply infuse the reading with some emotion and you'll bring it to life!
So this is what we did, took four hours out of our busy lives to invest in our ministry of reading the Bible aloud in gathered worship. It is an important ministry, and I was much encouraged by this group of readers so committed to getting the most out of the moment of bringing the Story of God's relationship with all creation to life for those with ears to hear.

If you would like a Biblical storyteller to come to your congregation to encourage and equip your readers so that they, too, can make the most of the moment and communicate meaning from this Sacred Story, please get in touch with us. We'll be delighted!

Friday, January 14, 2011

storytelling at national youth convention

One of our South Australian Biblical Storytellers was recently involved with the Uniting Church's National Christian Youth Convention as a Bible Study leader.
Sarah Agnew, minister at Belair Uniting Church and The Esther Project, led a bible study with Nathan Whillas, youth pastor at Parafield Gardens Uniting Church. Sarah led the studies through biblical storytelling, bringing stories from the Gospel according to Matthew and the Book of Isaiah to life for around 60 16-25 year olds.
The young people responded positively to this way of engaging with the stories of the Bible, and at least one has been inspired to participate in future storytelling events with her local congregation when the opportunity arises.
You can read Sarah's reflections on her blog - sarahtellsstories - where she shares about the bible studies, other elements of the convention and of an afternoon catching up with Queensland biblical storyteller, Jeff Lawrence (see pic, right).

If you have stories to share of your storytelling events and activities, email us at