Friday, January 14, 2011

storytelling at national youth convention

One of our South Australian Biblical Storytellers was recently involved with the Uniting Church's National Christian Youth Convention as a Bible Study leader.
Sarah Agnew, minister at Belair Uniting Church and The Esther Project, led a bible study with Nathan Whillas, youth pastor at Parafield Gardens Uniting Church. Sarah led the studies through biblical storytelling, bringing stories from the Gospel according to Matthew and the Book of Isaiah to life for around 60 16-25 year olds.
The young people responded positively to this way of engaging with the stories of the Bible, and at least one has been inspired to participate in future storytelling events with her local congregation when the opportunity arises.
You can read Sarah's reflections on her blog - sarahtellsstories - where she shares about the bible studies, other elements of the convention and of an afternoon catching up with Queensland biblical storyteller, Jeff Lawrence (see pic, right).

If you have stories to share of your storytelling events and activities, email us at